Premier Pass

This might be one of the most attractive pre-sale offerings you’ve heard of: Vedoo offers investors the opportunity to purchase the Premier Pass, starting at $150.00, and participate in the first four years of app revenues through a revenue share. This will allow investors to even make more profit with their investments. The participation model and the calculation method are described in detail below.

Participation model:

  1. Investment category: Premier investors who invest more than 150$.

  2. Investment period: The first four years after the market launch of the app.

  3. Revenue share: 5% of the total annual revenue flows into an investment pool.

  4. Payout limit: There is no additional payout limit.

  5. Distribution: The investment pool is distributed in proportion to the amount invested by each investor compared to the others.

Sample calculation:

A hypothetical situation of three large Premier investors is used to illustrate the distribution of the turnover participation. Let us assume that Vedoo's annual turnover is $200 million.

  1. Calculation of the investment pool:

    • Total turnover: $200 million

    • Investment pool (5%): $200 million * 0.05 = $10 million

  2. Investors and their investments:

    • Investor A invests $5 million

    • Investor B invests $2 million

    • Investor C invests $1 million

    • Total investment: $5 million + $2 million + $1 million = $8 million

  3. Distribution of the investment pool:

    • Investor A's share: ($5 million / $8 million) * $10 million = $6.25 million

    • Investor B's share: ($2 million / $8 million) * $10 million = $2.5 million

    • Investor C's share: ($1 million / $8 million) * $10 million = $1.25 million


Premier Investors who invest more than $1,000 will receive a share of the revenue pool for the first four years after the launch of the Vedoo app. The pool, which represents 5% of the annual revenue, is distributed proportionally to the amount invested compared to other Premier Investors. This ensures that larger investments are rewarded accordingly higher and the participation is not diluted.

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