Membership Models

For those seeking additional special functionalities and benefits, one of the three subscription types can be purchased, each offering distinct advantages on Vedoo depending on the subscription, such as increased coin generation or an enhanced user experience.

Vedoo Gold: The Vedoo Gold subscription is the entry-level option. With this option users unlock a variety of additional features and benefits. These include daily access to 10 new Regular Chats, participation in the ranking function, and the possibility to receive donations from other users. Additionally, Vedoo Gold subscribers receive a multiplier, earning twice as many V-Coins as regular users. This way Vedoo Gold members can acquire more advantages such as Sounds, Past Searches, and Searches by Name, as well as gaining more tradable coins in the future.

Vedoo Platinum: The Vedoo Platinum subscription is an enhanced version of Vedoo Gold. With this membership users unlock even more additional features and benefits. The number of Regular Chats is now completely unlimited for users with such a subscription. It also unlocks the Preferred Targeting function, allowing Vedoo Platinum subscribers to select their chat partners by gender up to 15 times a day. Area Targeting is also enabled with this subscription, allowing Vedoo Platinum users to freely choose the region of their video chat partners as often as they like. Moreover, participation in the ranking function and the ability to receive donations from other users are activated. Additionally, Vedoo Platinum subscribers receive a fivefold multiplier, thus earning five times the amount of V-Coins compared to Steel users.

Vedoo Super Diamond: The Vedoo Super Diamond subscription is the Ferrari among Vedoo's subscriptions. This subscription enables users to access the maximum possible range of functionalities. The number of Regular Chats is unlimited for users with this subscription, as are the features to search for users by name or from past chats via Past Search or Search by Name. The same applies to selecting the region of chat partners with the Area Targeting function. Furthermore, the Preferred Targeting function is increased to 30 chat partners a day, allowing users to choose their chat partners by gender. Participation in the ranking function and the ability to receive donations from other users are also activated. However, the highlight is: Among all subscriptions, Vedoo Super Diamond subscribers can earn the most V-Coins by far. This is made possible by a tenfold multiplier. Thus, users of this subscription type can easily purchase any function for V-Coins or save up a particularly large amount of coins to trade after the V-Coin listing. Only a pre-sale participant enjoys even greater benefits.

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