Potential Use Cases

Vedoo user network: The connected mobile video chat ecosystem

Vedoo is developing the most connected mobile video chat ecosystem with universal user profiles. With the expansion of the network, which consists of real, verified users, it transforms into an open and decentralized communication platform. This platform offers innovative tools, from user-oriented testing tools to reward-driven user acquisition and engagement engines, as well as interoperable experiences across different video chat services.

The following are some possible verticals, although this is not an exhaustive list:

Identity & Reputation: Utilizes verified achievements and interactions within the video chat community to help users build their online presence and reputation through prestigious universal user profiles.

User Acquisition: Innovative user acquisition tools offer targeted, rewarding experiences based on universal user profiles, such as rewarded usage of video chats.

Bot Prevention & Security: In the age of advancing AI, Vedoo supports bot prevention tools and authentication methods for video chat applications and dApps to combat abuse and inauthentic interactions.

Engagement: Tools for retention and engagement help video chat service providers overcome scalability challenges by offering rewarded chat experiences directly within the application or through standalone experiences.

Personalization & Monetization: By leveraging universal user profiles, personalized content and pricing strategies are enabled.

Feedback & Testing Tools: Facilitates early access to new video chat features and testing by a targeted audience of verified universal user profiles, using matchmaking and rewards for feedback.

Interoperable Identity Across Video Chat Services: Provides a synchronized user identity across all video chat experiences and platforms through a unified data layer, enabling interoperable user experiences through universal user profiles.

Vedoo is in an early stage of development, which means that the realized content and project scope may change by the time of completion.

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